The Book of 101 Books
:Seminal Photographic Books of the Twentieth Century
Roth Horowitz LLC 2001年出版

・New York Times ・Village Voice ・American Photo などで 2001 YearBook に選ばれた1冊です
20世紀に出版された写真集を 101冊選んでるんですが この本が出版されてから 選ばれた写真集(古書)が値上り そのせいで欲しかった本が さらに入手困難に! 好きな1冊ですが心情は複雑です
★ 本の中が見れます Go!
★ Studio Voice Vol.352 (2000年5月号)
に編集者 Andrew Roth のことが詳しく載ってますよ
● 選ばれた101冊 ● 赤色はBlogで紹介しています
1907 Curtis, Edward : The North American Indian
1909 Coburn, Alvin Langdon : London
1911 Stieglitz, Alfred : Camera Work, Number XXXVI
1917 Strand, Paul : Camera Work, Number XLIX, Number L
1925 Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo : Malerei Fotografie Film
1927 Germaine Krull : Metal
1928 Blossfeldt, Karl : Urformen der Kunst
1928 Renger-Patzsch, Albert : Die Welt ist Schon
1929 Sander, August : Antlitz der Zeit
1929 Steichen, Edward and Carl Sandburg : Steichen The Photographer
1930 Adams, Ansel : Taos Pueblo
1930 Atget, Eugene : Atget Photographe de Paris
1930 Cahun, Claude : Aveux non Avenus
1930 Drtikol, Frantisuek : Zena ve Svetle
1931 Ernst, Max and Rene Crevel : Mr. Knife Miss Fork
1931 Lerski, Helmar : Kopfe des Alltags
1931 Moi Ver : Paris
1931 Salomon, Erich : Beruhmte Zeitgenossen
1933 Brassai : Paris de Nuit
1933 Ullman, Doris and Julia Peterkin : Roll, Jordan, Roll
1934 Man Ray : Man Ray Photographs 1920-1934 Paris
1935 Lissitzky, El : Industriia sotsializma
1935 Man Ray and Paul Eluard : Facile
1936 Bellmer, Hans : La Poupee
1935 Brandt, Bill : The English At Home
1936 Hugnet, Georges : La Septieme Face du De
1937 Bourke-White, Margaret and Erskine Caldwell : You Have Seen Their Faces
1937 Riefenstahl, Leni : Schonheit im Olympischen Kampf
1938 Evans, Walker : American Photographs
1939 Abbott, Berenice : Changing New York
1939 Lange, Dorothea and Paul Schuster Taylor : An American Exodus
1941 Evans, Walker and James Agee : Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
1945 Brodovitch, Alexey : Ballet
1945 Kertesz, Andre : Day of Paris
1945 Styrsky, Jindrich and Jindrich Heisler : Na jehlach techto dni
1945 Weegee : Naked City
1946 Morris, Wright : The Inhabitants
1946 Tmej, Zdenek : Abeceda
1947 Capa, Robert : Slightly Out of Focus
1947 Weston, Edward Fifty Photographs
1949 Doisneau, Robert and Blaise Cendrars : La Banlieu de Paris
1952 Cartier-Bresson, Henri : The Decisive Moment
1952 Strand, Paul and Claude Roy : La France de Profil
1955 DeCarava, Roy and Langston Hughes : The Sweet Flypaper of Life
1956 Klein, William : William Klein : New York
1956 Sudek, Josef : Josef Sudek Fotografie
1956 Van der Elsken, Ed : Een iefdesgeschiedenis in Saint Germain des Pres
1959 Avedon, Richard and Truman Capote : Observations
1959 Frank, Robert : The Americans
1959 Siskind, Aaron : Photographs
1959 Van der Elsken, Ed : Jazz
1960 Penn, Irving : Moments Preserved
1961 Brandt, Bill : Perspective of Nudes
1962 Sommer, Frederick : Frederick Sommer 1939-1962 Photographs
1963 Hosoe, Eikoh and Yukio Mishima : 薔薇刑 (Barakei) Killed by Roses
1964 Callahan, Harry : Photographs
1965 Peter Hill Beard : The End of the Game
1965 Gowin, Emmet : Concerning America and Alfred Stieglitz, and Myself
1965 Kawada, Kikuji : 地図 The Map
1965 Helen Levitt : A Way of Seeing
1966 Evans, Walker : Many Are Called
1966 Ruscha, Edward : Every Building on the Sunset Strip
1967 Mulas, Ugo : New York The New Art Scene
1967 Warhol, Andy : Andy Warhol's Index (Book)
1968 Danny Lyon : The Bikeriders
1969 Winogrand, Garry : The Animals
1970 Becher, Bernhard und Hilla : Anonyme Skulpturen
1970 Davidson, Bruce : East 100th Street
1970 Friedlander, Lee : Self Portraits
1970 Lartigue, Jacques-Henri : Diary of a Century
1971 Araki Nobuyoshi 荒木 経惟 : センチメンタルな旅Sentimental Journey
1971 Clark, Larry : Tulsa
1971 Danny Lyon : Conversations with the Dead
1971 Samaras, Lucas : Samaras Album
1972 Arbus, Diane : Diane Arbus
1972 Molinier, Pierre and Peter Gorsen : Pierre Molinier, lui-meme
1972 Moriyama, Daido : 写真よさようなら Bye, Bye Photography, Dear
1973 Lesy, Michael : Wisconsin Death Trip
1973 Owens, Bill : Suburbia
1974 Adams, Robert : The New West
1974 Baltz, Lewis : The New Industrial Parks near Irvine, California
1974 Meatyard, Ralph Eugene : The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater
1975 Smith, W. Eugene : Minamata
1976 Eggleston, William : William Eggleston's Guide
1976 Friedlander, Lee : The American Monument
1976 Meiselas, Susan : Carnival Strippers
1977 Mandel, Mike and Larry Sultan : Evidence
1979 Model, Lisette : Lisette Model
1983 Clark, Larry : Teenage Lust
1983 Peress, Gilles : Telex Iran
1985 Goldberg, Jim : Rich and Poor
1986 Goldin, Nan : The Ballad of Sexual Dependency
1986 Bruce Weber : O Rio de Janeiro
1987 Burke, Bill : I Want To Take Picture
1987 Sternfeld, Joel : American Prospects
1989 Fontcuberta, Joan and Pere Formiguera : Fauna
1990 Ginsberg, Allen : Allen Ginsberg Photographs
1991 Baumgarten, Lothar : Carbon
1994 Boltanski, Christian : Menschlich
1995 Prince, Richard : Adult Comedy Action Drama
1996 David LaChapelle : LaChapelle Land
ベストセラーが選ばれなかったり あのあの有名なカメラマンの写真集がなかったり 色々疑問も出てく ると思いますが これはあくまでも Andrew Roth の選んだ写真集101冊です
同じ Andrew Roth が編集した
● The Open Book: A history of the photographic book from 1878 to the present
写真集収集家 編集者としての Martin Parr 編集の
● The Photobook: A History なども話題の本です
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